April 18- May 13 Aries
Ranging from the countless theories of physics to simply jaw-dropping celestial objects such as UY Scuti, space is a vast topic that fascinates adults and children alike… Chandra X-Ray Observatory by Aishani Banerjee, 8 Hadid Main sources of information: Google Search, Google Maps, Calculator, Unit Conversion NASA’s Chandra Observatory - named after Indian-American astrophysicist and mathematician Subhramanyan Chandrasekhar, is the world’s most powerful X-Ray telescope. Being a staggering 1 billion times more powerful than the Apollo Telescope Mount (the first X-Ray telescope), scientists suggest that if this improvement rate is constant then we may be able to witness the formation of the universe soon! You may wonder how this is possible - the answer being that the light takes time to travel such great distances (therefore, if we stare at a celestial object that is located 5 light-years away, the events we see have already occurred 5 years ago). Sources claim that the advanced telescope can already study quasars from 10 billion years ago, whilst the Big Bang materialised during an estimated 13.8 billion years ago. |